Friday, December 4, 2015

Friday Favorites

So last Friday I wasn't able to post my Friday Favorites because I was busy taking my graduation photos... When I got back home I went straight to sleep. Now that my photos are done I finally picked a few options to be used for my graduation invitations. I actually love my pictures and will be printing them all out and creating a mini album. Two of the pictures I created a canvas on They have sales almost everyday and you can purchase a nice size canvas at a low price.

with that being said.... I really want to be selfish and make my whole Friday Favorites my graduation pictures but I shouldn't be that selfish.. (in other words I can periodically post them on my IG).

So here is this week's Friday Favorites.....

1. n the spirit of graduation. I saw this snippet of a video where Michelle Obama speaking a little bit of truth. Check it out...

2.  Sooo here is one picture of me showing my school spirit... Go Tigers!!
3. I love watching proposals on YouTube. I  love how creative the guys are when proposing to their loves. Here is a cute one from this week.
4. Sooo this weekend I was in New Orleans for The Bayou Classic. I had a great time. I ate great food, watched the Tigers bring home victory.
The G-Men celebrating after their victory.

Can't go to New Orleans without going to Café de Monde and ordering
the beignets. Yumm
This photo is courtesy of Google. JB and I are currently in St. Louis. We came to attend the Rams game on Sunday. Of course a little bit of Christmas and personal shopping will be done. Hopefully I can capture a few good pictures.


  1. Just had some beignets from Café du Monde! Girl, I had to just buy the mix and bring it back with me. Great post and blog!

    1. Yes, they also sell the mix in Wal Mart. I found that out a while back and whenever I have the craving I would make them at home. They actually come out really good. Let me know how they turn out. && thank you so much :))

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