Any who, a while back I decided that we would do something for our first Christmas as a couple. We were both in the Christmas spirit (our Christmas tree was put up a little bit before Thanksgiving).
I came up with the idea to do 12 Dates of Christmas. This is no way shape form or fashion my idea. This will technically be our first Christmas together and I think it is safe to say that we are both really excited. I typed him up a pretty little letter and attached to the letter were 13 dates. Today didn't really count but it did since it marked us making a few months as boyfriend and girlfriend.
In my opinion, the 12 Dates of Christmas makes Christmas more about giving gifts. We all know how stressful giving gifts to your love ones can be. It's not a competition, but no one wants to give the other a gift that they will not love. So we think extra hard and spend those extra bucks just to make sure it is the best. 12 Dates of Christmas is about love, laughter, fun, cuddling, and just enjoying each others company.
With my graduation coming up and all the preparations I have to do and his work schedule can change at any moment, our 12 Dates are a little out of wack. Buttttt the point and the meaning is still there. SOOO down below is the list that I came up with. I told him he could remove, flip, add, etc. to the list, but he pretty much left the list as it was. This list is as follows:
December 2015:
12- Let's go eat together to celebrate 5 months
13- Cracker Barrel and football
14- Let's bake holiday cookies and each write a letter of Thanks to wrap up and put under the tree.
15- Day to relax
16- Christmas movies and dinner
17- Basketball tournament in support of your sister
18- Celebrating Drecia's GRADuation
19- Christmas lights in Natchitoches
20- Church then lunch then Painting with a Twist
21- Find a meal on Pinterest and cook it
22- Netflix Christmas movies
23-Sleep over and build gingerbread houses
24- Christmas Eve- Christmas Breakfast; My family's Christmas Eve tradition
25- Christmas Day-Christmas Breakfast, Christmas Rounds
Uhhhh... This is not exactly 12 . Lol but you get the gist. I'm just excited to get to have a little Holiday fun. If you have done 12 Dates of Christmas please share your holiday fun with me. If not, think about it, there is still time.
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