Monday, June 22, 2015

Life Gives You Lemons.......

When life gives you make ....

During the month of May I drunk plenty of water and lemon. Plenty for me being that I 1) didn't drink lemon when I did drink water and 2) I simply don't drink enough water. It's not that I drink a lot of sodas, because I don't. On average I may drink about 2 sodas a month unless I'm in a rut. When I go out I ask for water (depending on the restaurant) or mostly sweet tea or strawberry lemonade.

I enjoyed drinking the water and lemon. I used it to replace the coffee that I would sometimes get in the morning whether from Starbucks or the office to wake me up; although I never really drunk my lemon water hot. I would cut a lemon up drop it into my cup with ice and pour water on top.

The first thing that I noticed with the lemon water was that I felt good throughout the day when I was able to drink it first thing in the morning. The second and most important thing I noticed was that my face was beginning to clear I was also using a product on my face, but I began to see a major difference a few days of drinking lemon water. Anything that is successful in helping with the removal of acne, I'm all for. I did my best to drink at least a cup of lemon water daily.

I am thinking of challenging myself to drink only water and lemon water for at least a month. This means no juice, ginger ale, sweet tea, lemonade, Gatorade, Cran-apple juice nothing. I'm still debating it though. I know want to get into the habit of drinking warm/hot lemon water in the morning times. I hear that this is even better.
Below are 5 benefits of drinking lemon water:

1. Rejuvenates Your Skin
The Vitamin C that the lemons contain are great for the skin (prevent wrinkles). Lemon water flushes out toxins from the body/blood which is aiding in keeping the skin clear and blemish free.

2. Works with the liver
Lemon water aids the liver in producing more bile to help the digestion of fats.

3. Immune System Boosts
Lemons boost the immune system. Lemons contain a certain amount of Vitamin C; by drinking it in the morning, you are giving your body a little boost

4. Hydrate the Body
We all know that our bodies need to stay hydrated or we can suffer negatively. I know water is "nasty." This is where the lemon comes in at. Add lemon to your water to keep your body healthy and hydrated especially during these hot summer months.

5. Bye Bye Morning Breath
Lemons fight mouth bacteria and in the end freshen your breath.

((Please, please do not drink or use lemons undiluted.. The citric acid will erode tooth enamel. Just stick to the lemon water.))

    - The Boujie Belle

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