Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Spring Cleaning Your Life

Well technically spring is almost over and summer will be here. However, now that I have my blog more up and running than ever before, I wanted to make this post.
Spring time. You know the season some hate and some adore. The time where we take out all the garbage in our closet and our lives. Yea it’s spring cleaning time.
The older I get the more I realize it is as important to clean out your life to allow new things/people/events/habits (&& whatever else) to take place. Its spring, spring cleaning has arrived. Are you ready?
Why should you spring clean you ask yourself. Good question. I have an even better answer…. It’s simple when you take out the trash, you take out the old stuff the stuff that’s doing nothing but getting in the way, the useless clutter. You take out the trash to rid yourself and your space of things you don't need and no longer have a use for. When you clean out your closet you do the same thing. You clear out the items that  you never wear. There are those special items that even though you haven’t worn it in forever you just can’t part with. I get it, It happens, but majority of those clothes that cause clutter are removed, passed down, or given to Goodwill.
To me this is what spring cleaning your life is like. You not only throw away the negativity, worry and fear, but you do away with those same kind of people. Spring cleaning is good for a new start. You spring clean so new things can fall into place in your life.  Everyone is not meant to be in your life forever. Some people are meant to come in your life simply to teach you a lesson. Learn from it. Don’t try to keep seasonal people for life.
I have transformed SPRING into an acronym. Beginning with:
                    Self: Most of us have grown up with the lesson that it is not okay to be selfish. But, it’s not selfish to put yourself first. Well, sometimes. You have to take care of you before you can take care, help anyone else. You have to remember that if you are not caring for you no one else will. Say it with me “I will be selfish and I will care for me.” Now say it like you mean it. You have to or else it won’t stick.
                    Prioritize: You have to plan. Put your life in order. What is it that you want? What goals do you have? What is it in life that you desire? When you figure it out prioritize. You have plan what it is you are seeking.
                    Responsibility: Let’s grow up and take responsibility for our life. Let’s do away with blame and bitterness and learn that we are captain of our lives. We are the ones who determine our destiny. Don’t blame anyone else for your shortcomings and such. Let’s take responsibility.
                    Inspire: You need to inspire yourself to become a better you. Sometimes that means doing new things and hanging with new people. If the people around you don’t lift you up why be around them. You need to be inspired because you could unknowingly become someone’s inspiration.
                    Natural: No I don’t mean hair wise. I simply mean be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you are not. No imitation is necessary. It’s best to work on being the best you. I think it may be a whole lot easier.
                    Growth: This one word means so much. It encompasses what spring cleaning is really about. It’s about growing into a new you. Becoming all that you are setting yourself up to be. Maximizing your potential. Growth is about figuring out which people, places, and things are no longer suiting you. Growth is change and all change is not bad change.
I'm not just writing to make you change your life. It is something that I am doing as well. I made a list of bad habits that I plan on taking to the dumpster. Here’s a look:

Bad Vibes/Friends/Associates
Comfort zone
Pleasing everyone
Lack of Self-Love
Lack of self-esteem
Fear of failure
Spirit of poverty
Lack of self-confidence


It’s a lot, I know right. No, I am not going to be so lucky that all of these habits will easily fall out of my daily routine and life. I won’t be able to throw away every bad habit by the end of the year either. It is going to take work but acknowledging that I need to take them to the dumpster is the first step. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither will the “new” you.  Take your time and work on these habits day by day.

Now, what are some habits you need to spring clean out of your life?

    - The Boujie Belle

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