Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Fantasic 4 Review

This past Sunday JB and I went to see Fantastic 4. Sad to say but we both were disappointed. I've decided I would attempt to start doing movie reviews as often as JB and I go to the movies... So here is the very first one.. Please bear with me...

Fantastic 4 is about four young adults who build a machine and eventually teleport themselves to an alternate universe. Pretty cool right.... Well after they arrived things go a little "green" and it alters their physical form. Their normal lives are gone and they are all holding some super power (The Human Torch, Mister Fantastic, Susan Storm, and Thing). 

The film starts off with the main character, Reed Richards, as a child working on a teleporting device in his garage. He sneaks into Ben's junk yard and takes Ben back with him to show him his invention. Then it fast forwards to him entering a science fair where he is eliminated; however, at the fair Dr. Franklin Storm offers Reed a full scholarship to the Baxter Foundation to build a travel machine. The team is composed of 4: Reed, Sue (the director's daughter), Victor Von (loner and former student of Baxter Foundation), and lastly Johnny, the troubled son of Dr. Franklin.
After they work hard to build the device and it is confirmed that they are able to transport and return they are told by Dr. Allen that they cannot join the expedition. They are upset. The three guys (Reed, Johnny, Victor) begin drinking and decide they are going to be the first people in the newly discovered universe. They will not be forgotten.  Reed calls Ben who has been his best friend since grade school to come along for the ride.

Sue isn't invited on this trip but she sees from the computer that the teleporting device has been initiated. Once they arrive they decide to walk around and check out where the "green substance" is coming from. Victor decides to touch it which causes doom to follow. The ground begins to collapse and the green substance is breaking through the ground. As they are racing back to the vehicle, Victor ends up being pulled in and is left behind. The other 3 eventually make it back to Earth (thanks to Sue). As they arrive in the Baxter facility an explosion occurs which alters Reed, Johnny, Ben and Sue. Reed can stretch his body, Johnny can fly and engulf his body into flames, Sue can make herself invisible and generate force fields of energy, and Ben develops a body made of rocks which gives him incredible strength.

We see them shocked and scared because of their new found abilities. The government has them in custody as they are being tested and observed. Reed..... well, he blamed himself for the condition that everyone is in and fled the scene. He was last seen talking to Ben through a vent promising to fix it. A year has passed and no sign of Reed. Johnny is enjoying his powers and feels that just maybe this is what he is suppose to do. Ben doesn't like it however he allows the government to use him and his strength to help the military. Sue does not want to be used as a tool for the government. She is trying to master her power while waiting for a cure to return to normal.

At this point they pretty much have gained control of their powers. We get a glimpse of Reed who is created a containment suit for himself and trying to find a cure to help Ben. They use Sue to track Reed's patterns and catch him. They bring him back to Area 57 where is instructed to open another portal to Planet Zero. The explorers go back and get Victor, who has been in this alternate universe for a year. Victor now is a bad bad guy. He wants to destroy  the human race and Earth leaving only his new home. To be honest I can't tell you what his superpower is. I mean he kind of has a lot. He can make people's heads explode just by looking at them and he has telekinetic powers. Victor kills scientists, soldiers and even kills Dr. Franklin Storm. Victor then flees in the portal to Planet Zero leaving it open to create a black hole. Johnny, Sue, Ben, and Reed follow behind him. The portal begins consuming everything on Earth. The four confront Victor individually and  fail. It is Reed who realizes that they can defeat him if they do it together. After the four come together and confront Victor Ben finishes him off by punching him into the portal's energy beam  which disintegrates him and Johnny finishes him off by closing the portal. 

They return to Earth and the military thank them for a job well done. They choose to keep their powers and use them fort the greater good. They relocate to a location that is off the grid as their new home and place of operations. They choose to name themselves the Fantastic Four....

The End..

My opinions:
I loved how Reed called up Ben to go along for the ride. It shows that although we may have forgotten about Ben (because he was pretty much absent from the film after Reed arrived at Baxter) he did not. However, we never got to see their relationship really grow. We went from that moment in the basement to the science fair to him dropping him off at Baxter. Yet they became best friends.

I didn't understand how Reed got disqualified for his design. I mean the teacher reduced his experiment to a magic trick. I mean yes he did make it disappear and then wa la it appeared again, but come on. There is some science in there somewhere right...??!!

This whole time that we got to see these characters, we never got to really get to know them. We don't know how Reed and Ben made it through high school. How Ben interacted with his big brother who clearly thought it was okay to hit on him, we never got to see how Reed's parents reacted to him cutting off all electricity in the city with his first experiment or simply how him and his parents interacted.

There is no bond between any of the characters even between Johnny and Sue who yes are totally different, but are still brother and sister. In the very end right before coming up with a name, Johnny refers to Ben as a mere thing that nobody wants. This shows even more that the characters don't have a relationship with each other.

I don't like that fact that we did not get to see them and the changes/process they went through in order to control themselves and their abilities. I mean were is the challenge in dealing with powers so big.

Lastly, my main issue with the film is that the fight with Victor took all of 5 minutes. Actually in my opinion it wasn't even a fight. There was not one exciting moments in that five minutes. It was a simple fail and punch and BAM Victor is defeated. It wasn't a challenge at all. Like where is the intensity, the challenge, the fight.

As you can see I did not enjoy this movie. I am normally the type that can find some kind of good in anything I watch. Nothing is ever really just terrible to me (Pink Panther and Woman in Black are the 2 main ones so far), but this movie is knocking on the door.

Please tell me what are your thoughts on the film?

    - The Boujie Belle

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