1. Graduate school. I will be in the Advanced Standing Program to receive my Masters degree in Social Work. This program is a year long. We have to do applications, essay, recommendations and an interview. Then the stress comes when summer school starts.

2. Internship. I got confirmation that I would be able to do my internship at the place where I am currently working. My supervisor put in a good word for me and that sealed the deal.
3.Las Vegas. Did I mention that JB, my brother, his fiancée and I are all going to Vegas.... *jumps up and down*
4. I got a call back from my old job (School Board Office) telling me that when school starts if I need a job to call them. They asked if I could come back now, but I had to tell them I was already currently working.
5. A blessing that we sometimes take for granted. My life. I was able to wake up, walk to the bathroom, brush my teeth, shower, put clothes on, get in my car with gas and go, buy lunch, talk with family and friends. See where I'm going with this? I'm blessed beyond measure and sometimes it is the little things that we take for granted.
Thank you Lord.
These blessings my seem small to you, but to know that the faculty had faith in me that I would be able to handle the work of the Advanced Standing Program means everything. I am so nervous about succeeding in this program. The internship is a place where 1) I know that I possibly have a job once I graduate and 2) unlike most internships, it's paid. So knowing that I don't have to work and I am still making a little money is music to my ears. My Las Vegas trip is really sneaking up. I'm so excited. I get to mark something off on my bucket-list and my 101in1001.It's a great break right before summer schools starts. As I stated above I am blessed beyond measure. Blessings 1-4 aren't the only blessings I have received, they just all came at once and to me were really big blessings. I know I don't always see the beauty or the blessings in everyday activities, because I have been blessed with them for so long. But I never want to get so caught up that I forget to tell the Lord "thank you".
So tell me, what blessings have you received lately?
Secondly. if anyone has been to Las Vegas before..... I know it is a lot of everything and the choices can be hard to narrow, but I would love to know what are some spots you think I should hit or the best places to shop and eat.
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