JB and I went to see The Perfect Match this past weekend. I had been seeing Terrance J and Lauren London and a few others advertise it on their Instagram pages a while back and added it to my list of movies to watch. Did I like the movie? Yes I actually did. Not that I thought I wouldn't, but I enjoyed it. I must admit certain scenes were a little awkward, but overall it was a good movie.
The movie has a pretty great cast. Here is a quick summary. Charlie (Terrance J) is the ultimate playboy. He is doing everything he has ever wanted, or in his words he is succeeding because he is "making money, driving a fast car, and hooking up with models." Charlie is a successful celebrity agent and on the side he has a passion for photography.
Charlie's sister Sherry (Paula Patton) feels that he is emotionally closed off due to the unresolved issues he has with the death of their parents. He has four friends who are all in relationships; Victor (Robert Riley) and Ginger (Lauren London) are childhood sweethearts and are planning their long awaited wedding, while Victor (Donald Faison) and his wife Pressie (Dascha Polanco) are trying to get pregnant. These gentleman have been friends since they were young. Although the fellas love Charlie they are ready to see their friend put his playboy ways behind and try a committed relationship. So whats the best way to do this, a bet of course.

They bet Charlie that he has to date a single woman exclusively until Victor's wedding. Charlie easily takes the best because he thinks that he won't get attached. Eva (Cassie) overhears Charlie discussing her and the bet with his friends. She leaves without giving him any play. However, the next day she calls him to meet for lunch. They are complete opposites and they agree to a no strings attached relationship. This wouldn't be a real romance movie if someone didn't fall for the other right.
Well, Eva and Charlie begin to spend time together and Charlie begins to develop feelings for her. We see Charlie develop as an all around character because of his relationship with Eva. He begins to grow at his work place. We start to see that although he is the most valuable agent at his job, he actually hates it. Eva makes him promise to get his work published instead of only showing it through his Instagram. Charlie is at a fitting when he sees Eva trying on a wedding dress. He is stunned. He leaves and goes to a bar to drink his sorrows away. Eva meets him at his house to try to apologize and at that moment Charlie tells her he loves her. She tells him that its lust and that she is getting married. Charlie becomes miserable. His friends are waiting at his house for him to surprise him for his 30th birthday. Instead of being happy, Charlie snaps. He calls out his friends for the rough patches in their lives and tells them to leave. The next scene shows his sister coming to talk to him about what happened. He pushes her away as well. Eventually Charlie grows up and faces reality. He goes to his sister's job and apologizes to her for his rude behavior and they attempt to talk about his pain; he then shows up at the wedding rehearsal and his friends forgive him.
Charlie quits his job and pursues his passion of photography. He has a showing of his work. After everyone leaves, Eva walks in. She tells her that she heard about it through her husband and she came to check it out. They talk and she leaves. The movie ends with Charlie bumping into Ginger's friend who we saw at the beginning of the movie. This time Charlie isn't the playboy that he was at the beginning so we see them sitting down talking.
After the movie, JB and I were talking and he states that although he liked it he hated how it ended. We differ there. He felt that with the title being "The Perfect Match" it only made sense for Charlie and Eva to fall in love make a commitment and have a happily ever after.... I on the otherhand disagree. I don't mind the ending. I liked how the title "tricked" you.
This is why, I do think that they were the Perfect Match. Eva was perfect for Charlie because she made him love. She evoked feelings from him that he has alwasy been to afraid to show. She allowed him to be hurt. Why is this a good thing. I'm glad you asked, simply becuase from his hurt he grew. He was finally able to go visit his parents' grave and talk about what was bothering him and his feelings with his sister. He grew up and saw that his "rules" really weren't good at all and that they were only walls to protect him. She opened his eyes to see that he needed to step up and do what he wanted hence his career change and stepping up and speaking his mind (which got him fired). His hurt shows us viewers that karma is real. It happens to the best of us in ways that make us ache. It makes you fell like crap and it matures you when you let the process go. He grew because she was The Perfect Match.
Would I recommend the movie. I definitely would. So if you have seen it, tell me what did you think about the movie.