Wednesday, August 5, 2015

August Goals

Well this month is the month that school begins. Lucky for me my internship doesn't start until September.

This month will be hectic and exciting. I hopefully will be moving into my apartment next Friday if all goes well. at this moment I will only be there for 6 months but I still want to make it feel as homey as possible. So I have the task of moving, getting everything in the apartment situated, finding home décor and preparing myself for my internship.

I am going to try something new. Every month I will attempt to set new goals for myself and hopefully when I come back at the end of the month (or beginning of the new month) I can tell you that I accomplished most of everything I said I would.
So let this month's list begin...

August Goals!!!!!

1. Remember to write in my journal more often... I have a habit of maybe only writing one time a month and that is probably on because something major happened. I want to get into the habit of expressing myself even when nothing big has happened in my life.
2. Remember (if not daily then at least weekly) to write on my daily notecards. Being that I keep up with my life in my calendars I normally just go back and write on the notecards when I think about it {like the end of every month:( }which explains why more and more notecards are being left blank for the year of 2015.
3. Read at least 3 books (preferably from the library; not off my phone). I love reading and I actually had been doing pretty well with it. For some reason or another I stopped going to the library. I have just been downloading free books and entertaining myself with those.
4.Watch 3 new movies (or ones I haven't seen in forever) and start (&& finish) a Netflix series. I love to just sit at home and lay in bed watching a good movie surrounded by pillows. That is in order for this month for sure.
5.Move into the apartment and decorate. My last house with my friends, we never got around to decorating. My room was full because I have a lot of stuff but nothing was really decorated. Even though I won't be in the apartment for a long period of time, I still don't want to come home to a blank bare house.
6.Create a binder which will help me become more organized with bills and such. I like being organized and this time around I plan to really be. I want to keep everything in order and
7. Save....Save....Save.... I don't like being broke. I mean who does. There is always something I am wanting to buy. With me moving in this apartment, it is definitely putting a damper on my ability to want and purchase, but with so much going on I need to work on my saving capabilities.
8. Plan for graduation wants and costs. it is right around the corner. Like seriously I will be graduation soon (if the Lord says the same) and I know there a lot of things I want. so I need to plan to see what I can and cannot have. Yikes
9. Attempt to do better with exercising/working out.. A long shot I know. it's like I start off good and then if I skip a day it just throws me off. I need a consistent partner to make me consistent. I should want to do it on my own, but I haven't got that far yet.

So it seems like a lot and 9 is such an odd number but there it is... Let's see how well I can do....
What are your goals for the month of August?

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