Thursday, May 14, 2015

Summer 2015 Top 7

My last semester of school is quickly approaching. Next semester I will be graduating with my Bachelors in Social Work. I can say that there are some things that I wish I would have done while in college. You always think you have time for something, that you can do it later… But you can’t. Truth is it went by so fast. I am saying this now and school has not even started. Honestly, it went almost as fast as high school if not faster. It’s kind of bittersweet. All the friends and easy days are soon to be over. *tear*

According to Google, the official day of summer is June 21, 2015. I want to make the best out of my summer before school is back in session. I have a bucket list of things I want to do/accomplish or places I want to go before summer is over with. I have made a sort of vow to myself that I will complete at least seven items on my bucket list. No if ands buts about it. I just hope I don’t procrastinate too much and try to do this the last week of summer. I mean technically it would still be done before summer was over. The seven items I’ve chosen may change as I continue to add to the list, if I find something I prefer more over the other or I may compete more than 7. Who knows?

1. First on the list is starting up this here blog. I chose the summer time to start this because I was hoping it would give me more time to work on and perfect it. This is something I am plan to really put my all into so I felt the summer gave me more time.
2. I want to learn how to do acrylic nails. So I plan to go to the nearest Sally and purchase the mannequin hand and get to work.
3. I want to complete at least 3 DIY projects from Pinterest.
               a. Vision Board
               b. Decorate Wooden Letters
               c. Make a pillow with quote on it
4. Take a trip this summer….go anywhere….somewhere… get out of RUSTON
5.Exercise and eat better
6.Continue to Journal Journal Journal
7.Learn to do yoga

When I finish the overall list, I’ll post it. Until then, what are your top summer bucket list to-do items.??

    - The Boujie Belle


  1. I think blogging during the summer, is a great hobby to start. I started last summer and it honestly helped to make the summer more interesting. I started doing my own acrylic nails when I was freshman in college I believe. My bf and I would buy the starter kit and do our own. It's great practice. If I would of kept it up I think I could of made it side hustle lol. I never gave much thought to vision boards. I'm a lllllll about taking vacations. Lord knows when I get me some money that's all I'll be doing lol. Where is Ruston? I really want to start yoga like frfr. Hopefully one day I stop procrastinating that. If you have OnDemand in the fitness section, there are yoga workouts.

  2. Yes, I'm hoping that this summer I can get a good foundation going and make it happen. It's still so much to learn. I have attempted the nails many times and didn't like the results took them off and the next day or two headed to the nail shop. I don't think it's meant to be my side hustle.
    I'm excited to do my vision board. I need the extra push. I'm waiting on some friends who want to do one as well. Yes, I am trying to save up now to go on one I need it. I have a DVD and a mat just have to start.
    Ruston is in Louisiana it's and hour away from Shreveport
