Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Intern Considerations & Questions

Recently I was on the search for an internship for my last semester of undergrad. First off I figured it would be really hard finding an intern close to home, but I was willing to give it a shot anyway. I actually only went to two locations within an hour. The second location gave me an intern immediately. So I just stopped searching. When I got home, I checked my email and I had an email from my first stop telling me I needed to fill out some paper work. Both interns said yes!! Awesome right. Unfortunately I had to turn both interns down because I am receiving a stipend which automatically gives me a paid internship.
Although I was lucky to receive an intern at two of my top choices, I initially did some research on things to consider when choosing an intern. Not every opportunity is a great one. Figure out which intern better suits you. After further research, here are a list of important questions and things you should do when considering your intern:

1. Figure out what is you want. What type of intern do you want? What do you expect to get out of your internship? What population do you want to work with? What do you expect to learn?
2. Research the company. Know what they stand for and what they do.
3. Is this a paid intern? (At my school they aren’t with the exception of those receiving the stipend) If you have bills you may need to consider a job after your intern hours.
4. What hours will I be working? Is my schedule flexible? This is something you may need to talk to your professor about as well because they may can answer this question.
5. Ask what your exact duties/responsibilities will be. How many people will you be working for?
6. How many interns will be there with you? Will you all be working under the same person, doing the same thing?
7. Can your internship transition into a full time position? Could you possibly be hired after graduation?
8. Will this internship benefit me in the long run? Will it give me a foundation and the experience needed in my career?
9. Is it relevant to your chosen career?
10. Do you know anyone who interned here? If not, try researching and seeing what you can find on the company?
11. Is your internship in a convenient location? Consider your financial situation and your ability to be on time when thinking of location.

      - The Boujie Belle


Monday, June 29, 2015

Beignet Time..

So I had a craving for some beignets. We have a nice little coffee shop that sells beignets, however lately when I go my beignets seem to be burnt and I get little powder. I only go to the coffee shop when I am being lazy and don’t want to fix them myself. I should have recorded my steps in making my own, but the steps are written on the box and they are really easy to make. Although I will give a few pointers if anyone does decide to take my advice….
           1)      Instead of adding 7 oz of water add about 8 oz.
           2)      You may have to add extra beignet mix to get the right texture.
           3)      Put flour down on your work surface because the dough will stick.
I will admit that these beignets are really good, I have had some okay batches and some great batches. You have to make them yourself and find out for yourself. Here is the beignet mix that I use. I hope you like them as much as I do…..
Let me know what you think….

    - The Boujie Belle

Monday, June 22, 2015

Life Gives You Lemons.......

When life gives you make ....

During the month of May I drunk plenty of water and lemon. Plenty for me being that I 1) didn't drink lemon when I did drink water and 2) I simply don't drink enough water. It's not that I drink a lot of sodas, because I don't. On average I may drink about 2 sodas a month unless I'm in a rut. When I go out I ask for water (depending on the restaurant) or mostly sweet tea or strawberry lemonade.

I enjoyed drinking the water and lemon. I used it to replace the coffee that I would sometimes get in the morning whether from Starbucks or the office to wake me up; although I never really drunk my lemon water hot. I would cut a lemon up drop it into my cup with ice and pour water on top.

The first thing that I noticed with the lemon water was that I felt good throughout the day when I was able to drink it first thing in the morning. The second and most important thing I noticed was that my face was beginning to clear I was also using a product on my face, but I began to see a major difference a few days of drinking lemon water. Anything that is successful in helping with the removal of acne, I'm all for. I did my best to drink at least a cup of lemon water daily.

I am thinking of challenging myself to drink only water and lemon water for at least a month. This means no juice, ginger ale, sweet tea, lemonade, Gatorade, Cran-apple juice nothing. I'm still debating it though. I know want to get into the habit of drinking warm/hot lemon water in the morning times. I hear that this is even better.
Below are 5 benefits of drinking lemon water:

1. Rejuvenates Your Skin
The Vitamin C that the lemons contain are great for the skin (prevent wrinkles). Lemon water flushes out toxins from the body/blood which is aiding in keeping the skin clear and blemish free.

2. Works with the liver
Lemon water aids the liver in producing more bile to help the digestion of fats.

3. Immune System Boosts
Lemons boost the immune system. Lemons contain a certain amount of Vitamin C; by drinking it in the morning, you are giving your body a little boost

4. Hydrate the Body
We all know that our bodies need to stay hydrated or we can suffer negatively. I know water is "nasty." This is where the lemon comes in at. Add lemon to your water to keep your body healthy and hydrated especially during these hot summer months.

5. Bye Bye Morning Breath
Lemons fight mouth bacteria and in the end freshen your breath.

((Please, please do not drink or use lemons undiluted.. The citric acid will erode tooth enamel. Just stick to the lemon water.))

    - The Boujie Belle

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

FaceBook Throwbacks

So I figured out my Facebook information finally. When I log in I immediately went to the pictures. && OMG. I use to take a lot a lot a lot of pictures when I was in high school. Not just of me but of all my friends, at football games, at pep rallies, graduation, etc. I have many pictures. Pictures = Memories. But man, I looked a mess. Some of those I was confused as to why I even uploaded it to Facebook. Like did I not know I could delete the ugly ones.  
It is amazing to see the transformation that I have made from high school to now. The things I would wear, that smile, the horrible bangs. Eww. It was so bad I went through and  pretty much made every album private. I don't think anyone is going through the pictures ( I mean they have been public for like forever); however, I just couldn't bear not hiding those embarrassing photos.
I thought about posting a little transformation on here but uhhh yea I'm just not ready. Lol
 Do you have any embarrassing pictures of your Facebook???(I think my MySpace is pretty safe).

    - The Boujie Belle

Thursday, June 4, 2015

May Madness 2015

I have decided that I need to do something about this pudge I have going in my stomach area. I’m not necessarily getting summer time fine or anything. I just have accepted that I have gained a little weight and I want to get it off. It's not much nor is it that noticeable. But I can tell the difference when I look at my body.

Sooooo I have decided that I am going to attempt to shred these extra pounds and get my stomach right. It’s going to be hard. I am pretty lazy when it comes to exercising. When I am hungry and don’t feel like cooking, fast fried food is what I run to. Having to work out by myself requires a lot of personal dedication, but it has to be done. Hopefully I can stick with it.
For the month of May I plan to:
First, I plan to walk/jog/run 3-4 times a week. Cardio will eventually come into play

Secondly, I plan to cut fried foods, sweets, sodas (which I rarely drink anyway), and alcohol.
                  {Fried foods can be ate once a week… I mean I can’t just cut it cold turkey.}
Thirdly, I plan to drink lemon water instead of coffee especially in the morning time
Hopefully I can add healthier activities along the way. Remember this is just a start.
    - The Boujie Belle

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Dillard's Price Reduction....!!!!!

So I’m sitting at work, working hard (as usual) and I get a text from HIM telling me about a sale at Dillard’s and how some Ralph Lauren items are going for good prices. So of course I pause my work to go take a quick peak….. So Dillard’s has a few of their items marked at reduced prices. This should make me extremely happy, but it doesn’t for a few reasons.
1. That means that I am going to have to buy something. Yes have to buy.
2. That means that my bank account is going to be short some money. She won’t be happy.
3. I just purchased two pair of shoes when JC Penny had their sale going. (I found out to late and didn’t have time to post about it, only had time to put in cart and purchase J)
4. I’ll want to buy for me, HIM, and a few guys their Christmas gifts (trying to start early) == even more money
Then again on the flip side….
1. I do need a pair of red heels. They have a pair of Jessica Simpson’s reduced
2. I mean who can beat a good price reduction???
3. I like to shop…. And I mean why not…?
4. A few people get their Christmas gifts knocked out.
Click here to view the items with price reductions. Don’t spend too much.

Here are a few items that I liked….


Jessica Simpson Claudette Pointed-Toe d'Orsay Pumps


Steve Madden Jillyy Peep-Toe Platform Sandals



Steve Madden Teqila Pumps




Jessica Simpson Rebeca Platform Pumps


Polo Ralph Lauren Classic-Fit Jersey Pocket Crewneck Tee


Polo Ralph Lauren Classic-Fit Neon Jersey Pocket Crewneck Tee


These are just a few items that caught my eye in the little time that I was able to look. I put three items in my shopping cart not including the purse I am debating on. Hopefully I can gain some self-control and not make any purchases. Lord knows I need to be saving..

What items do you like??
    - The Boujie Belle